17 August, 2022
M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy PPP Scheme
Project overview
IAC were commissioned to undertake all pre-planning impact assessment for the then proposed M11 and N30 Enniscorthy Bypass route in Co. Wexford. This involved contributions to the Constraints Report and Route Selection Assessment; and subsequent production of the Archaeology, Architecture and Cultural Heritage chapter of the EIAR.
Investigations were carried out to inform the EIA process, including detailed site walkover and analysis of the cartographic and documentary resources for nearly 40km of road corridor. In addition, we liaised with statutory bodies and the design team. IAC provided expert witness evidence at an oral hearing for the project, following which An Bord Pleanála gave permission for the scheme to proceed.

IAC were again engaged to provide archaeological services at construction stage of this scheme. This involved monitoring of topsoil stripping in previously untested areas and impact assessment and testing of 12 newly identified parcels of required land (i.e. storage areas and compound). The services contract also included the excavation of 15 sites containing archaeological remains and recording of built heritage elements identified during these works.