17 August, 2022
Archers Wood – Farrankelly SHD
Project overview
IAC carried out all pre-planning and pre-construction phase archaeological services for the 21.2ha residential development at Farrankelly in Co. Wicklow. An archaeological impact assessment, including extensive test trenching and geophysical survey, was undertaken to inform the planning process.
A wide range of archaeological remains were identified at this time and a programme of mitigation measures was set out which was approved as a condition of planning. Archaeological monitoring was also carried out during the construction-phase ground works which identified further archaeological features.

All archaeological remains were fully excavated over the course of several months, by a large team of archaeologists operating to budget and within the constraints of the construction programme. These remains represent settlement and burial activity from the Bronze Age, Iron Age and early medieval period.
Notably several high-status prehistoric burials were recorded in inverted ceramic urns which required specialist block lifting by a conservator and careful excavation in laboratory conditions. The sensitivity of these remains required continuous consultation with the National Museum and National Monuments Service to ensure that the best approach was undertaken to preserve the integrity of the burial environment.