17 August, 2022
Ardee Point Student Accommodation
Project overview
IAC carried out pre-construction phase archaeological and built heritage services for the 368-bed student accommodation development located at the Brewery Block site in Dublin’s Liberties (0.39ha).
The buildings surround an external landscaped courtyard and incorporate a number of heritage elements, including the refurbishment and conservation of a protected mill tower and vaults structures. IAC carried out a pre-planning impact assessment which laid out a programme of archaeological mitigation, which was agreed with the Dublin City Archaeologist.

The upstanding late 18th century/ early 19th century mill tower and storage vaults are associated with the former Watkins Brewery Complex; once one of the largest operations in Dublin. These industrial heritage remains were fully recorded by IACs built heritage specialist, and this report informed the design of the proposed conservation works.
Archaeological investigations, including monitoring of groundworks and excavation, revealed extensive remains associated with the various manufacturing process of the brewery, including rare double mash tun supports.
The remains of a medieval boundary ditch and occupation layers relating to pre-brewery activity on site were also recorded at this time. Further evidence for late 17th century house plots were identified, representing the earliest layout of Newmarket Square as set out by the Earls of Meath