17 August, 2022
Baldonnell Business Park
Project overview
IAC provided archaeological services in advance of two phases of warehouse development (29,454m2) at Baldonnell Business Park (Units C, D, E and F). Mountpark Baldonnell is a premier industrial / logistics development strategically located in southwest Dublin.
Archaeological monitoring of ground disturbances carried out as part of Phase 1 works identified 12 archaeological areas, including the sub-surface remains of a ringfort. All but the latter site were excavated at this time to facilitate construction. Further investigations were carried out in advance of Phase 2 works including geophysical survey, testing to inform an EIA.

Where archaeological remains were identified an appropriate mitigation strategy was agreed to facilitate preservation by record as part of the development. Archaeological features represented significant prehistoric and medieval settlement remains. Detailed and expert post-excavation analyses are being carried out to interpret and report on the archaeological remains.