26 October, 2022
Kiltrough Water Augmentation Scheme
Project overview
IAC carried out all phases of archaeological works for the Kiltrough Water Augmentation Scheme, including desktop assessment, archaeological testing and excavation. The scheme involved the construction of five production wells and c. 6.7km of pipeline in greenfield and roadway in a narrow corridor of 30m width. Two areas of archaeological significance were identified during testing which were subsequently excavated over the course of 3 months.

The earliest evidence for occupation at Kiltrough was represented by a Bronze Age burnt mound and Iron Age metal-working. Two enclosures and a kiln were constructed during the transition between the Iron Age and early medieval periods (i.e. from the prehistoric to the historic period). Early medieval activity at the site was sub-divided into four phases which were highlighted by three small structures, a ringfort and a semi-circular enclosure, four cereal drying kilns, a water management system and probable animal enclosures or field boundaries. The final phase of early medieval activity was reflected by the construction of a Souterrain. A number of significant artefacts were retrieved during excavation including early medieval an antler comb, souterrain ware pottery and enamel beads.