26 October, 2022
River Barrow Abstraction Scheme
Project overview
IAC carried out a desktop assessment for a 6.8km pipeline route corridor and the water works for the River Barrow Abstraction Scheme (Contract 2), Srowland to Ardscull Rising Mains, Co. Kildare. Following this IAC carried out an underwater assessment of the abstraction point and a geophysical survey of the water works site. A program of archaeological testing was undertaken by IAC at several locations highlighted by the geophysical results and desktop report.

IAC undertook archaeological monitoring along the entire route corridor over the course of 10 months; which resulted in the identification of 6 archaeological sites. The sites at Willsgrove, Shanraheen, Salisbury, Ardmore, Smallford and Ardscull were subject to full excavation during this period. The archaeological features represented prehistoric (Bronze Age) and medieval domestic occupation and industry. A single young adult female inhumation burial dating to the medieval period was identified at Shanraheen. Several medieval pits were excavated within the townland of Ardscull and it is suggested that these relate to settlement associated with the nearby motte.